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4 Helpful Hints to Holiday Shopping Happiness, Not Madness!

Gifts in Shopping CartAs the end of December draws closer, most of us find ourselves  knee-deep in the myriad of holiday preparations and maybe even succumbing to the madness of the holiday season.  Gift shopping can be a big contributor to that madness.  I’ve experienced that myself this week! The two shopping forays I’ve had so far this season have been vastly different from each other.  The first: a relaxed and enjoyable stroll through the mall with a few easy purchases – leaving me with a satisfied feeling; the second: a marathon affair, bumping elbows with lots of shoppers and not finding what I was looking for – leaving me grumpy and tired.

So what was it about that second trip that made it so miserable?  I’ve thought about that question all week (especially since I have to shop again THIS weekend); the answer finally came to me after many cups of warm tea and lots of rocking in my favorite chair!  There were 4 things I did differently on the first trip that I did not repeat on the second; I am sure if I had, the second would have been much easier and more successful.  Read on to find out more about them…


(not madness)!


making a list (and checking it twice).  Put all of your ideas into one place so that you have a clear plan and can stay focused on what you need to purchase. Take advantage of modern technology by using a List App on your smartphone.  Be sure to include sizes & color preferences to minimize returns.  Remember to stay flexible and have a backup choice ready in case things are not available.


Before heading out to the stores, check websites for online coupons or deals, download them to your smartphone or print out coupons.  Computer not your thing?  Collect the flyers before your shopping date and clip coupons for the items on your list.  Save yourself both time AND money by preparing ahead of time.


Shopping is exercise in itself and to stay strong during a marathon shop, you will need food and drink.
    • Eat a healthy & filling meal/snack before you leave to shop
    • Take a break midway to refuel yourself
    • Make sure you drink a good amount of fluids throughout the day
    • Munch on a healthy snack on the way home

It’s important to fuel your body to keep both your sugar AND stress levels low.


Shopping is hard work and takes a toll on your feet and your back.  (It’s not easy to carry all those bags of goodies!) If you’re doing a marathon shop, make sure to take frequent breaks just to sit and relax.  Use the time to

    • regroup your strategy
    • adjust your purchase ideas or
    • drop off the packages to your car

While you’re resting, take a little time to people watch and enjoy the atmosphere!

One would think that knowing something as simple as these hints would help defray the stress, aggravation and chaos that can arise during holiday shopping.  Remember, though, it’s not what you know that will make you successful in your endeavors, it’s what you implement that will make the difference.  Take the time to implement these helpful hints and set yourself up to succeed during your next holiday shopping trip; ease your stress and minimize the holiday madness this year so that you may enjoy this part of the holiday to its fullest. Happy Shopping!

Now I ask you this, HOW WAS YOUR LAST SHOPPING TRIP: easy and relaxed or crazy and nerve-wracking?  Drop us a comment below and let us know what your shopping trips have been like and how you’ve turned them into enjoyable experiences.  We’d love to share your feedback so that our fans can learn from those experiences and have an enjoyable holiday shopping trip (or two) as well!